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The land of Tappuah belonged to Manasseh,[a] but Tuppuah on the border of Manasseh belonged to the descendants of Ephraim.[b] Then the border goes down to the wadi[c] of Kanah to the south of the wadi. These cities belong to Ephraim among the cities of Manasseh. The border of Manasseh is north of the wadi, and it ends[d] at the sea. 10 The south is Ephraim’s, and the north is Manasseh’s; the sea is their[e] border; Asher touches the north and on the east Issachar.

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  1. Joshua 17:8 Literally “was to Manasseh”
  2. Joshua 17:8 Literally “was to the children of Ephraim”
  3. Joshua 17:9 A valley that is dry most of the year, but contains a stream during the rainy season
  4. Joshua 17:9 Literally “the goings out of it were”
  5. Joshua 17:10 Hebrew “its”